Reiki is great for stress relief, relaxation, pain relief, encouraging better sleep & more. Reiki promotes well-being at every level – mind, body, emotions & spirit - & finds its way to where you need it most.
Distance Reiki, allows the Reiki energy to be sent through time & space when the recipient & Reiki Master are not physically together, but it is just as effective as if they are in the same room. This means that you can receive Reiki in the comfort of your own home wherever you are in the world.
During a session, I will connect with the universal USUI & Holy Fire III Reiki Master energy, using five Reiki symbols, including the Master Practitioner symbol, Holy Fire® symbol & the Distance Healing symbol, as well as connecting to my healing & spirit guides & inviting in any other guides, angels and higher beings who wish to assist in the healing for your highest & greatest good.
Your Reiki Session includes:
A distance Reiki session facilitated by Mandi Lockley, an experienced USUI/Holy Fire® Reiki Master.
A focus on all the seven main Chakras to help clear & balance your energy.
On request, your session can also be targeted to any particular area of your body or life.
With your permission, your name will be added to Mandi’s beautiful Reiki Holy Fire Crystal Grid (pictured above) for one month, so you will continue to receive healing energy after your session.
To give you further insight, after your session Mandi will pull an Oracle card & send you a photo & description.
If you let us know your Sun (Star) sign, Mandi will channel the most positive qualities of your sign during your Reiki session.
15-minute session (great if you need a quick burst of energy or stress relief) – £10.00
30-minute session (a lovely relaxing experience) – £19.00
60-minute session (for a deeper Reiki healing experience) - £36.00
Discounts are available if you book multiple sessions.
Mandi also offers distance Reiki for companion animals, who tend to respond favorably to the energy, particularly animals who are sick or elderly. Mandi often receives psychic messages when giving Reiki to animals, which can be very comforting for the animal's owner. Mandi will also, with your permission, add your pet's name to her Reiki Crystal Healing Grid so they will continue to receive distant healing after their personal session.
An animal Reiki session lasts up to 45-minutes and costs £25.00. Please note, it's difficult to put an exact time on an animal session because an animal will tend to instinctively move out of the energy when they have had enough.
About Reiki:
Reiki is a Japanese word for universal life force. ‘Rei’ means universal – present everywhere at the same time, a spiritual consciousness. ‘Ki’ refers to the non-physical energy that flows through all living things. When it flows clearly, we feel healthy & energetic, but when we become stressed or ill, the energy flows less easily & can become blocked. Reiki healing helps to balance & centre the mind, body and spirit and remove the blocks so that the energy - the Ki - can flow easily again.
Holy Fire® Reiki is a newer form of Reiki which arrived in 2014. It is stronger yet also gentle, nurturing and comforting.
Reiki is safe to give & to receive & always goes just where it is most needed & always for the greatest and highest good for all.
Reiki is incredibly versatile & can enhance all areas of your life. This includes self-development & awareness, the maintenance of health & well-being & is also an excellent spiritual development tool. Its benefits & applications are wide-ranging. For example, it is good for boosting energy levels & is amazing for stress relief & for encouraging feelings of peace & joy. It can also be helpful for pain relief & the relief of anxiety (complementing but never replacing medical interventions),
If you feel called to learn Reiki, either for using on yourself, your loved ones & your pets (animals love Reiki) or to become a Reiki practitioner & maybe eventually to become a Reiki Master & Teacher, please contact Mandi via the link below.
Reiki teaching is done in-person & usually in a group setting. UK residents only.
Reiki level 1 (foundation level) & 2 (practitioner level) can be taught separately, with each level taking one day, or together over two consecutive days. Reiki 3 & 4 (Master & Teacher) are taught together over three consecutive days. You must have completed Reiki 1 & 2 (either with Mandi or another qualified teacher) before taking the Master level.
Mandi is a qualified & experienced USUI/Holy Fire® Reiki Master & Teacher - find out more about Mandi.